About St. Paul's Centre, Spennymoor

A parish hall has been in place since the 1960’s. Initially it was primarily used for the benefit of the church and those associated with it. It was a low cost, utilitarian building, similar to many of that period.

Early in 2010 the church PCC consulted the wider community in determining the eventual plans for a re development, achieving high levels of support.

The present Centre replaced the former, no longer fit for purpose, parish hall in 2010, after a major refurbishment programme. The St Pauls Centre is now a registered charity and has an annual footfall of almost 34,000, (rising from a previous footfall of 3,000 in 2010).

The Centre is the home to many community groups including, a very busy Foodbank, well being groups including a tea dance, singing for health, art and photography groups, dementia support as well as activities for children during the summer holidays. The centre is also widely used as a meeting room and a training centre by commercial and public service groups including a scratch orchestra, the NHS, Wellbeing for Life and Durham County Council.

These groups along with our in house café and a sound & lighting company (a social enterprise group) provide the main sources of income to make the building sustainable.

Our Directors are committed to supporting the needs of our wider community, including those disadvantaged by such as unemployment, social isolation, anxiety or depression.

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Our Mission

All are welcome in this place and we offer:

  • A meeting place and a café for the local people where all are welcome from centre clients to homeless people
  • To be at the forefront of delivering a community shaped response to the challenges of poverty, isolation, crime and vulnerability

We are focused on providing a safe space in which the whole community can feel part of the warmth and love of St Pauls Centre.

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Hallmark Scheme

The Hallmark scheme is a quality standard scheme for the management of community buildings / village halls.

The scheme has 3 elements and St Pauls Centre has achieved Hallmark 1, 2 and 3 in 2014 and again in 2020

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