Photo of Brancepeth and Aycliffe Brass Band players

Brass Band evening a resounding success!

December 12, 2022
Aycliffe & Brancepeth Brass Band played for the Supper Club on the 10th December a medley of marches, folk tunes, and Christmas songs. The audience participated with enthusiasm and even the news that England had just lost to France didn't dampen their spirits or that of the band. The audience said that the night was a resounding success and gave…
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Photo of Brancepeth and Aycliffe Brass Band players

We welcome Aycliffe & Brancepeth Brass Band to the centre!

November 28, 2022
St Pauls Centre welcomes for the first time the Aycliffe & Brancepeth Brass Band for an evening concert.  Supper provided by The Whistling Teapot, tickets are £10 per person. Hot food is provided at 6:30pm and the concert starts at 7:30pm and lasts 2 hours on the evening of 10th December. Don't miss out on what promises to be a…
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Warm Space logo

Warm Space at St Pauls Centre

November 11, 2022
We are proud to announce that our organisation is part of the Warm Spaces Network running throughout County Durham. This means we will be opening our doors to you weekdays throughout the winter months to provide a place to keep warm, get advice and support. This is in addition to all the other activities happening within the centre. Extended opening…
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Natural High concert November 2022 poster

Natural High are Back!

October 18, 2022
Great News!! Natural High are returning to St. Pauls Centre for a concert 🎵 on Friday 25th November at 7pm. It has been such a long time since we have had the children of Natural High music and drama group at St. Pauls Centre way back in 2019. We are delighted to see them return and hope you wish to…
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September Supper Club poster

Supper Club – September

September 8, 2022
Off the back of our highly successful Supper Club in August when we were joined by an Elvis tribute artist. We have another exiting Supper Club to offer you on Saturday 24th September -7pm A virtual Race Night (no actual money will be gambled at this event) Book your spot at The Whistling Teapot £5
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Art & Photo Exhibition poster

Art & Photography Exhibition and so much more..

July 6, 2022
Art and Photography Exhibition. The St Paul’s Centre art and photography exhibition is an opportunity for the public to see the images and creations made by the talented people using the centres facilities. Did you know on Saturday 16th July 10am -4pm we are also having some family friendly activities, such as face painting, bouncy castle and games! Come along…
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Art & Photography Exhibition

June 14, 2022
Art and Photography Exhibition The St Paul’s Centre art and photography exhibition is an opportunity for the public to see the images and creations made by the talented people using the centres facilities everyday. For most, this is a first time experience of publicly showing their work. During the two years of lock down the photography group maintained an ever-changing…
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Platinum Jubilee Celebrations

May 27, 2022
Platinum Jubilee Celebrations As we are all know this year marks the 70th year of Queen Elizabeth II time on the throne. A great achievement and here at  St. Pauls Centre we wish to celebrate along with everyone in the country. We have some fun activities taking place at the centre all FREE of charge. To kick off the celebrations…
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Fashion Show -happening after 2 year wait!

April 24, 2022
Back in in 2019 we started planning a fundraising fashion show to take place at St. Pauls Centre and we decided on March 2020 and then things happened and all events were cancelled we then planned the event for future date and the where subsequently cancelled due to lockdowns and restrictions in place. So we are delighted to announce that…
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Easter Holiday Activities for Children

April 5, 2022
This upcoming Easter Holidays we have two exciting workshops at St. Pauls Centre brought to us by Durham County Council - Fun and Food initiative. On Tuesday 12th April 9:30am- The Barn At Easington presents - Family Storytelling and Puppet Workshop Elaine and Jeanine will perform stories and songs using shadow puppets to create a magical environment and Nicola will…
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